Strengthen Your Connection with Horses
Join our signature group program The Waterhole Rituals Liberty Training® and learn how to naturally build trust and respect.
BECOME A MEMBERThis equine communication training program is a comprehensive method designed to enhance your ability to communicate effectively with horses.
Carolyn Resnick developed this method of communicating with horses through her observation of horses in the wild, and now you can learn to effectively communicate with horses through presence and compassion to build a deeper, more connected relationship with your horse.
Discover the transformative power of deepening your connection with yourself to elevate your interactions with horses and develop a cross-species bond.
By understanding the natural instincts of horses you can uncover the secrets of forging a profound bond as you delve into the art of enhancing your horsemanship. Learn techniques that will enable you to cultivate a heightened self-awareness, develop mindfulness practices, nurture emotional intelligence, and embrace authenticity.
Harmony • Trust • Self-Discovery • Synergy

Since you're on this page, you're likely fitting into these categories:
- You are an extreme horse lover wanting a better connection with your horse
- You know that there is a hole in your training, and in the relationship you have with your horse
- You are not comfortable with the method of training you trainer thinks is best for your horse.
- You don't want to use "old fashioned" methods of training that are hard on a horse
- You have realized that your horse is a bit "checked out", and/or miserable in your company.
- You are fearful of your horse, or you lack the confidence you feel you need to train your horse yourself.
- You are tired of buying into “do it yourself” training methods that somehow leave you feeling inadequate and unable to get the outcome you are looking for.
- You can’t control your horse when riding, leading, or feeding.
- Your horse shy’s on the trail, wants to go back to the barn, or tries to bite you when you saddle him.
- You are confused because you think your trainer knows more than you, but your gut tells you something is NOT right!
- You want to be coached while training your horse, but you can't afford to travel and don't know where to begin.
Hi my name is Nancy Zintsmaster.
I am the co-founder and a master trainer in the Resnick Method of Horsemanship.
I rescued four traumatized horses nine years ago. As an experienced horsewoman, I thought I could handle it, but traditional methods and even natural horsemanship didn't work. I felt lost and hopeless, yearning for a genuine connection with my horses. Then I found Carolyn Resnick and her Liberty Training® method. It was a game-changer. In just weeks, my horses transformed, and so did I.

Self Study Option w/monthly Q&A Sessions
$99 mo/ $249 Qtr, OR Save Big with yearly subscription $695
Weekly LIVE Coaching in Liberty Training
$249 mo/$595 qtr or Save Big with Yearly $1997
JOIN WITH LIVE COACHINGImagine If you could...
Become a leader to your horse so that he feels safe in your company and will effortlessly want to follow your lead.
Develop a deep bond with your horse by merely sitting in a chair with your horse, and your horse would not want to leave your side.
Confidently teach your horse that he can trust you with a simple exercise that works every time
Earn respect from your horse by understanding the code of conduct of horses and how they relate to each other.
Create willingness in your horse so that whatever you asked of your horse, he would be happy to comply because he understands what you are requesting, and LOVES to be with you.
Keep your horse focused on you
Walk together in companionship with your horse with no tack, ropes, or whips.
Dance with your horse to music at Liberty in a magical connection that you never dreamed was possible until now
Break the cycle of fear and procrastination in the training of your horse because now you have the skills you need to do this yourself
What are the Waterhole Rituals?
They are NOT:
- Another "pressure and release" method of training horses. All that does is tell your horse that he can’t trust you.
- A quick fix, too good to be true method that temporarily fixes one issue you have with your horse. All that does is put a bandaid on the real problem, lack of connection.
- A method of training that fixes problems. Develop the relationship and the problems disappear...yes, it's true!!
- Looking at the problems only creates more problems!

They ARE:
- 7 Rituals that Carolyn Resnick developed through her observation of horses communicating with one another in nature to remain safe, keep harmony in the herd and develop life long bonds.
- A method of communication that is natural to horses. One that taps into their natural instincts so that they understand instinctually how to respond to your request and quickly develops a cross species bond.
- A method that grows a deep bond, trust, respect, willingness and focus so that training problems quickly disappear.
- A method that teaches you to shift your focus from "training horses and correcting problems", to finding the Entry Point of Connection, where you will ALWAYS get a YES!
- A journey of self realization, personal growth and transformation through the training of horses at liberty.
- A process of communicating with horses that has pure, proven and measurable results.
Develop the natural bond you've always wanted.
JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP NOWWhat Our Students are Saying...
“Carolyn and Nan have opened a whole new world of horsemanship to me. It was amazing to finally find a method that deeply resonates with my soul. Everyday, as I progress in my studies in this Master Class, on the Waterhole Rituals™, I discover more about connection with horses, and I deepen a connection with my authentic self.”
"This method of Liberty Training® has helped me and my horse transform into an amazing pair! There are things I am learning now that I never would have known without experiencing this type of compassionate horsemanship. I don’t even recognize the horse I bought a year ago because she has become so much more relaxed, more willing and more confident from the work I have done with her in The Resnick Method of Horsemanship. Practicing this communication system with my horse has not only transformed my horse but is helping me realize more about myself, not only in relationship to horses, but with people too! My people skills have improved and the joy I feel when being with my horse this way is helping me through a really difficult time in my life."

"Carolyn and Nancy have an effortless way to teach and explain the reason for every move I made with my horse! I highly recommend this Master Class, and these trainers if you are looking for a surefire method for long lasting results. Having the knowledge behind the training allows me to think for myself while out in the field training my horse!"
How do I sign up for the Liberty Training Horsemanship subscription membership?
What does the Subscription Membership include?
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
How often is new content added to the membership?
Can I access the content at my own pace?
Can I ask questions and seek guidance from experts?
Is there a community forum or discussion board?
When are the live meetings scheduled?
What if I can't attend a live meeting?
Can I submit questions for the live meetings if I can't attend?
Can I access past live meeting replays?
Is the Liberty Training Horsemanship subscription membership suitable for beginners?
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